Sunday, March 11, 2018

My Pet Hamsters

My Pet Hamsters

By: Zyanne Jaye Tadina

     I got my hamsters last November 2017 as a gift from my daddy & mommy because I got high grades in school.We started with just a pair, now we have 14, and we were amazed how fast they grow. We named them Lodi(girl) and Werpa (boy).
Let me share with you some of their pictures.

We take them everywhere we go, especially if we will sleep overnight at other places.

     It is so much fun to have them. In the morning when I wake up and if  I'm tired from school, I just look at them and I feel happy. Taking care of them is easy. You have to make sure their drinking water is always Filled and cleaned. Feed them twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. Also, check if their cage is clean. You must change the bedding (wood shavings) at least once a week.

     Surprisingly, December 30th just before new year, Lodi gave birth to six pups (baby hamsters). The pups are pinkish-red in color (doesn't have hair yet) and very fragile. We can't touch the pups yet because Mommy Lodi will get stressed and doesn't want any other smell on her pups. If she gets stressed, she can eat her pups.

     After two weeks, when pups got their hair already, it is now safe to touch them and clean their cage. As of now, the boys are separated from the boys to prevent Lodi and the other girls to get pregnant again. But just after a month, February 3rd, Mommy Lodi gave birth again to six pups! :D

Now here they are! 
I hope I've inspired you and gave you ideas on how to take care of hamsters.

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