Tuesday, November 28, 2017



                In the medical world, proper use of words is highly called for because a simple mistake could complicate things usually unwanted for the patients. Because this field has full of jargons that mostly are too technical to not easily be sifted and digested by the general public, putting them in a layman’s term is indeed helpful.

                A good example of which are the words “side effect” and “main effect”. These, are more often than not, interchanged or used instead of the other. Doing so is not just wrong but also dangerous to the people’s health.

                A side effect of any substance pertains to the result beyond the main or primary action that is intended by the physician giving drug prescription. The doctor, likewise, foresees this extra consequence.

                For instance, the patient might not be conscious of the side effect of unwanted hair growth elsewhere on the body while using vasodilator drug called Minoxidil to treat hypertension. The physician, nevertheless, is very well aware of it, as well as other implications, such as burning or irritation of the eye, itching, and redness or irritation at the treated area. By and large, doctors suggest that patients should ignore the side effects unless serious and often alert the sick persons about their likelihood.

                But not all the side effects are boon. They are the bane, too, hence, they are often used as a therapeutic benefit in the pharmaceutical industry. Like the Minoxidil which, initially was developed to treat high blood pressure. People taking it reported an unusual side effect: Hair began to grow on various parts of their bodies. In this case, the downside of the drug is controlled and employed as a beneficial and therapeutic effect judiciously. It is noted that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved prescription of two percent (2%) Minoxidil topical solution for hair loss in men in 1988 and for women in 1992.

                An adverse effect, on the other hand, is identified as an outcome wherein the reaction occurs over and beyond the main and wanted action of a medicine. Both the physician and the patient don’t know about it as a consequence of taking such treatment. It can happen simply due to incorrect dosage. Undesirably, this is very harmful as it can exacerbate the prognosis of the disease. Occasionally, if the adverse effect is too serious, there might be a need for hospitalization.

                Just like the Sildenafil Citrate— a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction and pulmonary arterial hypertension. Its most common adverse reactions (≥ 2%) include a headache, flushing, dyspepsia, abnormal vision, nasal congestion, back pain, myalgia, nausea, dizziness, and rash. Patients should seek emergency treatment if an erection lasts over four hours. Patients should stop Sildenafil Citrate and seek medical care if a sudden decrease or loss of hearing and also that of vision in one or both eyes.

                Since side effects paired with adverse effects can be fatal and need to be reversed or given antidote immediately, a very extra cautious effort not to interchange them with the main effects in the prescription process must be always observed. After all, it’s the lives of patients at stake here.

                It’s ironic to note that people who seek treatments for their ailments or to prolong their lives become sicker or morbidly end up six feet underground simply because of such medical error. So, it’s still best to deal with health conditions like hair loss the natural way, especially with NOVUHAIR that offers the safe and natural effects.  

               With 19 natural ingredients—mostly standardized herbal extracts, essential oils and co-factor nutrients—it does not only help prevent the hair loss malady but also aid in stimulating the growth of the “crowning glory.” Set aside those chemical-based topical scalp solutions out there. Choose natural, choose NOVUHAR!

                Join NOVUHAIR’s survey and win tickets to the musical SOUND OF MUSIC staging at The Theatre Solaire from September 27 to October 22. For more information, visit Novuhair’s Facebook page: Novuhair Official.

                NOVUHAIR is available at Mercury Drug and other leading drugstores nationwide. For more information visit www.novuhair.com, like the brand’s official Facebook Page, Novuhair Official, and follow on Twitter at @NovuhairNatural. You may also call NOVUHAIR hotlines at 4136570 and 09228830575 and order online through lazada.com.ph and regaloservice.com.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Freebie Alert: #NationalPamperingDay

Want a FREE Pampering???

The National Pampering Day got off to a good start last year where Nailaholics offered FREE manicure service and a stress-relieving hand massage from 10 AM to 12 NN on all their branches NATIONWIDE! This year, everyone will be treated to a free service of their choice: a soothing manicure, calming foot spa or a relaxing foot massage.

Did you know that when it comes to pampering on a national scale, Nailaholics Nail Salon and Spa holds the only spot? Yes, it is! After introducing the very successful celebration of the National Pampering Day last year (2016), Nailaholics is back at it again this 2017 with an amplified nationwide celebration of relaxation that everyone is looking forward to this October 17.

“We Filipinos are very hardworking in any given aspect of our lives and a nation of energetic and industrious people best deserves real pampering once in a while. This year, as Nailaholics celebrates the 2nd National Pampering Day, we go deeper and dedicate this to everyone and remind them to take it slow, take it easy, zone out and relax for a while,” said Arvin Amaro, Marketing Head of Nailaholics Nail Salon and Spa.

“With last year’s success of the National Pampering Day, we are back this year with a bigger and much more enjoyable day of pampering. In partnership with the number one salon brand and most beloved nail lacquer brand in the world, O.P.I., National Pampering Day 2017 will accommodate more guests with the extension of pampering time until 1PM. Also, the best thing about this year’s National Pampering Day is, it will be in support to World Vision, The Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS), and Save Philippine Seas” added Amaro. 

So save the date and get ready to park away from any thoughts of work because the only responsibility you have is to loosen up. Wind down and head down to any Nailaholics Nail Salon and Spa branch on October 17, 2017 (Tuesday) from 10 AM to 1 PM and get yourself a free relaxing manicure, foot spa or foot massage. 

Let Nailaholics’ skilled nail technicians take care of you for a little while and walk out of this Hamptons-inspired nail salon feeling refreshed and ready to bring it on again. This is your chance, grab this once a year treats only at the country’s top destination for relaxation and real pampering.

Visit www.nailaholics.com to check their services and find the branch nearest you. Get updates through their Facebook Page Nailaholics Nail Salon and Spa, Twitter @_nailaholics and Instagram @_nailaholics.


Nailaholics is an urban destination that offers its customers an escape from the daily grind through its exceptional interiors and exceptional pampering service. It currently has more than 50 branches nationwide, including in Gateway Mall, Eastwood Citywalk, Cash and Carry Makati, Harbor Point Mall Subic, SM Cebu, SM Seaside City Cebu, Ayala-Cebu, SM Bacolod, and SM Lanang.

Monday, October 2, 2017

5 Cebuano's Guide in Choosing a Nail Salon

5 Cebuano's Guide 
in Choosing a Nail Salon 

Do you know how to choose the right Nail Salon? Do you have an idea what are the things you would consider? Price? Line-up of services? Nail polish options?

A trip to the nail salon isn't just about gloss and shine for regular Manicure and Pedicure enthusiasts. It's just as much about the experience as it is the quality of service. So here are a few notes on what you should be looking for when you are scouting for the perfect pampering destination. 

1. Do your research.

Don't know exactly what you want? Go online and look at websites or social media pages of the nail salons you want to try. You may also read on some blog posts such as this. From here, you'll learn a lot of things about each one, including their price points, quality of service and the experience they promise to deliver.

2. Ask about their hygiene protocols.

Don't be afraid to ask about what the salon does to ensure the quality and hygiene of their services. It's not enough that they say they follow strict protocols, see for yourself if the salon interiors lend itself to their claims. Ask about the process they take to sanitize their tools if you're unsatisfied. 

3. Do the interiors support the experience? 

By and large, nail salons that go the extra mile to whisk their clients off to a relaxing pampering experience get additional points of course. Apart from being clean, is the nail salon quiet and relaxing? Do the scent and music soothe your senses and make you forget your troubles? That goes a long way when it comes to redefining the mani/pedi experience. 

4.  How extensive are the services being offered?

Interiors and great service are nothing if the salon has very limited options. The best nail salon combine stringent hygiene standards, lets you enjoy a relaxing pampering experience and gives you numerous options to choose from - be it a regular mani/pedi, a paraffin treatment or a foot spa, nail salons should be equipped to provide you with what you need and do it well. 

5. Ask your friends for recommendations.

It might not always work, but one of the best ways to find a good nail salon is by asking people you trust. Chances are, they will point you to an accessible establishment that always delivers. 

After taking this useful nail salon in mind, it's time to take a trip to the best one. Nailaholics Nail Salon and Spa, the country's urban nail and spa destination, is pampering its Cebuano customers in three of the biggest malls in the metro. 

Here is the video of my trip to Nailaholics SM Seaside City Cebu

Visit them on your next nail salon sesh at the 3/F SM Seaside City Cebu2/F South Wing of SM City Cebu, and 3/F Ayala Center Cebu for a quality pampering experience. 

See you all the National Pampering Day!!!

Friday, September 29, 2017

FOR YOUR PURPOSE : Victory Worship Releases First Uptempo Track 2017

Victory Worship Releases First Uptempo Track 2017

     On the heels of UNASHAMED, the Every Nation Campus 2017 Conference, Filipino worship band Victory Worship has released its new single, "For Your Purpose."

     The song is Inspired by Jeremiah 1:5, which says, "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations." “For Your Purpose” is Victory Worship’s third digital single for 2017, following the Filipino-language song “Awit ng Bayan” and the worship ballad, “Safe.”

You may listen to "For Your Purpose" here or watch on YouTube

"'...'cause You are my God And You love me most,
Nothing I want more To live for Your purpose"

     Written by Victory group member Lee Brown with Every Nation songwriters Sarah Bulahan, Erika Murrell, and Jose Villanueva III, this inspiring uptempo praise anthem positions worshipers' hearts to living out God's purposes in their lives. "For Your Purpose" encourages believers to stay secure in their identity in Jesus, reminding them that God knows who we are and loves us most.

Get a copy of Victory Worship's “For Your Purpose” at http://bit.ly/foryourpurposeonitunes

3T's in Battling Lung Cancer

3T's in Battling Lung Cancer

Want to know more about the 3T's in Battling Lung Cancer?

It is so common for Filipinos to dismiss seemingly ordinary health concerns such as body aches, colds or coughs. Seeking the advice of a health professional is often, well, most of the time set aside due to time or financial constraints. And despite scientifically established detrimental effects of habits such as smoking or excessive drinking, people still continue to ignore these risks aside. Relate? 

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" saying has gained a whole new meaning for people like TV and media personality Diego Castro. 

His father, the renowned broadcast anchor Angelo Castro Jr., passed away due to lung cancer in 2012 after having been diagnosed just four years earlier. "He began smoking when he was 10 years old," revealed Diego. "But he had already quit around 10 yrs prior to his diagnosis."

Hear Diego Castro's story - now a Lung Cancer Advocate

Diego Castro, Lung Cancer Advocate


The Castro family's story happened just a couple of years ago, but in such a short span of time, Diego is astonished to find out more from the medical community that a lot has already been achieved in terms of more effective treatment options for lung cancer.

Diego admits that such news brings a feeling of regret and missed opportunities. However, a chance to ensure that his father's death was not in vain comes in the form of lending a voice to a multi-sectoral advocacy that urges Filipinos to be more proactive in battling cancer through early diagnosis and awareness of the 3T's in Battling Lung cancer. TEST, TALK and TAKE ACTION.

"Hope From Within" is a movement that symbolizes the optimism that novel treatments like immunotherapy bring to cancer patients and the latest in its series of ongoing educational and informational forums focuses on the importance of early detection for malignancy. 

For lung cancer in specific, it is important for those at high risk to get screened so that the disease can be addressed immediately, according to Dr. Ivy de Dios, oncology medical adviser of MSD Philippines. 

"In order to benefit from the innovation of immunotherapy particularly for certain types of advanced lung cancer, it is important that it is administered as early as possible upon the onset of the disease," explains Dr. de Dios. "That is why we are urging people to 'Test, Talk and Take Action.'"

Those who should primarily consider getting screened are high-risk individuals such as smokers. "ANY persistent cough should be looked into," she reminded. The screening test involves a low-dose CT scan of the chest. Any mass identified for biopsy will also then be analyzed by a pathologist for particular proteins, to further determine the suitability of the patient for immunotherapy treatment. 

The "TALK" phase involves constant and in-depth discussion with medical professionals and experts. "Prognosis and treatment should be threshed out well between the patient and doctor," said Dr. de Dios. Finally, "TAKE ACTION" not only means undergoing proper treatment but having a positive and proactive approach in battling the disease through healthy lifestyle changes and help from support groups.

Watch the video of some dialogues on the importance of early detection/screening, multi-disciplinary approach towards cancer management with Dr. Ma. Noemi Alsay-Uy - Medical Oncologist, Cebu Doctor's Hospital and Chong Hua Hospital, Dr. Dennis Tudtud - Medical Oncologist, Perpetual Succour Hospital and Chong Hua Hospital, Dr. Bernardita Chua - Pulmonologist, Perpetual Succour Hospital, Dr. James Guardiario - Thoracic and General Surgery, Chong Hua Hospital and Perpetual Succour Hospital and Dr. Clarito Cairo - Program Manager, Philippine Cancer Prevention and Control, Department of Health. 


Immunotherapy involves fortifying the body's natural healthy cells to avoid being overridden by malignant cells and thus preventing the latter from multiplying. In many clinical studies all over the world, it has already been proven to add more years of survival to cancer patients. As supposed to traditional standard-of-care treatment such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy presents less or little side effects. In many countries in the world, immunotherapy drugs have already been successful in use to treat various types of cancers. 

Through pathology of samples from the patient, such as tissue or even body fluids, molecular testing can determine the best course of immunotherapy treatment. For instance, depending on the presence of cell protein called PD-L1 (programmed death ligand), immunotherapy drugs called immune checkpoint inhibitors such as nivolumab, atezolizumab or pembrolizumab may be administered.

Mutations in EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor), meanwhile may indicate a patient's suitability for treatment using EGFR targeted therapies such as afatinib, erlotinib, or gefitinib. ALK (anaplastic lymphoma kinase) gene changes may call for treatment with drugs that target the ALK protein such as crizotinib.

In the Philippines, the innovation of immunotherapy has already arrived. Early this year, a particular immunotherapy drug--pembrolizumab--has been indicated by the Philippine Food and Drug Administration as first-line treatment for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). This means that those diagnosed with this particular type of lung malignancy may be administered by immunotherapy drug from the onset, and avoid undergoing chemotherapy.

Whereas before, being diagnosed with cancer seemed like an automatic death sentence, immunotherapy truly means renewed optimism among patients. This seeming "wonder drug" it is not difficult anymore indeed for those facing cancer to look at the brighter side of possibilities and to rely on their own hope from within.

The Duterte government also extends their full support for cancer patients through Medical Assistance Program. They are also passing the bill on benefits for the lung cancer patients by helping them in screening, diagnostics, and hospice care. 

Together, let's all commit in doing the 3T's: 
Test, Talk, and Take Action in Battling Lung Cancer!

Friday, September 8, 2017

LAZADA Flash Sale!!!

Missed Day 1 of the Lazada Flash Sale??? Don't worry!

Be ready for more great deals for day 2 and 3 of 99 Sale! Below are the highlight Flash Sales of both days!

Also, our FREE SHIPPING NATIONWIDE for 3 days will waive all the shipping fees of your order regardless of the total amount! And even bulky items like refrigerators or cabinets can be shipped to as far as Mindanao free of shipping fees!


Saturday, August 26, 2017

An Exhilarating Whale Shark Watching Experience Only at Oslob, Cebu

Exhilarating? Yes! That is the right word I can describe of what we felt the day we encountered the gentle giants of Oslob, Cebu - The Whale Sharks! Scary? No! But yeah, I admit, at first I felt a little nervous but I am so excited to see them underwater. Told myself that this is my chance to see them, and won't let the day pass without having that awesome experience. And hey, since it was my birthday, I might as well go and enjoy!  

Oslob, Cebu is a 3 to 4-hour drive from Cebu City and the Oslob Whale Shark Watching area is only open from 6 am 'til 11:30 am so we went to Oslob on a Saturday afternoon to be ready for the early trip to the Whale Shark briefing area because from what I've read from blogger friends, we need to be early and ready for the long lines since it was a weekend. Getting ready for the trip, few days before, I booked an overnight stay at a nearby hotel - Ging-Ging Hotel and Resort located at Looc, Oslob, Cebu. 

Ging-Ging Hotel & Resort is truly a place where you can relax while listening to the waves of the sea and appreciating the awesome view. They also have swimming pool, but you can go to the beach also if you want. Rooms and bathrooms are clean, it has TV, AC plus you will really love the view from the veranda.  This is the view from our veranda.

Their food is sumptuous too, my apologies that I wasn't able to take a picture of the Sinigang na Hipon and Beef Broccoli that we've had for our lunch because I am so hungry hahaha. Plus the fact that you really can't resist eating the food they served. But I saved a picture of the Clubhouse Sandwich and Spaghetti Carbonara that we've had on our snack. 

They serve our food hot and fast and their crew was friendly and accommodating. They wear proper uniforms as well. Overall, we enjoyed our stay at Ging-Ging Hotel & Resort, I would really recommend their place. Kudos to all the management and staff of Ging-Ging Hotel & Resort!

As early as 5:30 am, we got up and ready to go at the Whale Shark briefing area. It's only 10-15 minutes away from where we stayed. Upon reaching the place at 6 am, parking spaces are almost full, there are a huge number of tourists already. The first step is to register, then to listen to the 5-minute briefing, after that, you can pay at the cashier. 500 pesos if you are going to swim with the whale sharks (they will provide you with life vests, goggles, and snorkels) and 300 pesos if you will just be sitting on the paddle boat (with life vests of course). But you cannot see the whole size of the Whale Sharks, just their mouths because there are boatmen that are feeding them with "alamang" or the small fishes which are their favorite food. 

And to show you what really happened at our very exhilarating Whale Shark watching experience at Oslob, I've made a video of our close encounter with the Whale Sharks - "Oslob's Gentle Giants" or the "Butanding" for the locals. 

They are so huge! I am a meter close to the Whale Shark that I don't need to zoom my camera just so have a glimpse of them and share with all of you what we saw underwater. I am also amazed how the locals of Oslob, Cebu maintained their beaches. It was crystal clear and you can see corals underwater. And Oh! I also saw lots of small fishes that I only see at the aquarium or the Oceanarium. Even my kids love what they experienced. It's so exhilarating indeed! We are allowed to stay in the water for only 30 minutes, but it is so worth it. I remember 15 to 20 minutes in the water makes my leg itch. I think it is because of the "alamang" or the small fishes that the Whale Sharks are eating. After the 30-minute encounter, they have a shower area. In my case that I have few rashes, so after the shower, I immediately applied a Miracle Oil (that I bought online) on my legs and arms also on my kids to prevent those rashes and it was good because it disappeared immediately. 

Near the briefing area, you can see Sumilon Island. You can have a boat ride going there. Prices range from 1,200 to 2,500 pesos depending on your group size. You can negotiate with the boatmen for the price. 

Sumilon Island
  Outside the briefing area, souvenir items are also available. I bought these adorable whale shark refrigerator magnets, key chains, (priced at 35 pesos or 3 for 100 pesos) and shirts that range from 120 pesos to 350 pesos. Kinda pricey but they're so cute!  

Going home, we saw a street dancing going on at Oslob's SadSad Festival. 

Watched some of the groups, and because of the heavy traffic, we are routed to a different road which surprisingly heads us to Oslob's historical places such as the Cuartel, Baluarte and their church. Museo Oslob is also near the area so we took the opportunity to see them.

Served as the barracks for the Spanish armies but was halted during the arrival of Americans. 
One of the seven watchtowers built along the coastline of Oslob. The local people also referred this Baluarte as "Lantawan" or Watchtower.
We saw old things here, truly educational. 

Don't forget to buy Lechon and Chicharon at Carcar City, and Buko Pie at San Fernando, Cebu. 

Book your tour with 3Z's Affordable Cebu Package Tours 

City Tour Package:
⛲Fort San Pedro
🏛️Magellan's Cross
🕍Basilica Minore del Sto Niño
🏛️Malacañan sa Sugbo
🏢Cebu Heritage Monument
🏯Taoist Temple
⛩️Temple of Leah
🌹Sirao Garden (entrance fee excluded)

Other destinations in Lapu-Lapu City
⛲Mactan Shrine or Lantaw Floating Restaurant / 10,000 Roses

South Cebu Tour Package:
🐋Whale Shark Encounter
🏝️Sumilon Island Sandbar (boat excluded)
🕍Simala Shrine
⛲Oslob Heritage Park (Baluarte, Cuartel, Oslob Museum)

Other destinations in South Cebu:
*Kawasan Falls (Canyoneering or just the Falls)
*MoalBoal Island hopping (Turtle, Sardines, Dolphins, Pescador island)

- Pick up and drop off to airport or hotel
- Entrance fees
- Boat rental
- Life vest and snorkels

*Private car 3-4 persons
*Van for 6-15 persons
*We customize and arrange tours
*Down payment of 500 pesos per head 3-5 days of booking schedule.

For rates and inquiries, PM us or
Email: 3zaffordablecebupackagetours@gmail.com
contact #: 09277589749

Off to more adventures in Cebu! 
Follow me on social media for more of my travel adventures!
IG: @Baliwagenews       
Twitter: @Baliwagenews      

Saturday, August 5, 2017

SUN LIFE's Tri-Team for IRONMAN 70.3

SUN LIFE's Tri-Team 
for IRONMAN 70.3

"Sun Life has taken part in the Ironman many times, and yet, the excitement it brings never gets old. We are proud of how our team is mostly composed of our very own executives and advisors, who truly embody our company's commitment to health and wellness," 
--Sun Life CEO and Country Head, Riza Mantaring said.

Tomorrow, August 6, at Shangri-la's Mactan Resort and Spa in Lapu-Lapu City, Mactan Island, Cebu, Sun Life Financial Philippines will once again be a part of the action in the most awaited IRONMAN 70.3 in Cebu, together with their very own executives, advisors, and brand ambassador Piolo Pascual who will also be leading the Sun Life Tri-Team. On the said date, Sun Life will be fielding a total of five relay teams and one individual racer - its biggest contingency since it started joining the prestigious race in 2013.  

1st Team
Actor Enchong Dee (swim) will join fellow celebrity Piolo Pascual (bike) in his team along with Toniel Ty (run)

2nd Team
Sun Life Board Director Paco Sandejas (swim) will be racing with Sun Life advisors Eboy de Leon (bike) and Mike Miras (run).

3rd Team
Former Olympian Christine Jacob Sandejas (swim) - Paco Sandejas' wife, forms Sun Life's all-female team together with Laarni de Guzman (bike) and Sun Life Health and Wellness Marketing Manager, Jaymie "The Bull Runner" Pizzaro (run).

4th Team
Former national team member Jan Michael Chiu (swim) together with Sun Life's Karl Villalonga (bike) and Alfred Diacosa (run) will compose the 4th team.

5th Team 
Sun Life Advisors KB Espinosa (swim) and Rocio Pantaleon (bike) together with Toots Malapad (run) of Sun Life's Agency Business Development Group forms the 5th team.

 Hazel Ferrer-Misa of Sun Life's Strategy and Financial Management Group will compete in the individual category.

The medal that will be awarded to racers was once again designed by the multi-awarded industrial designer Kenneth Cobonpue, who was also a Sun Life Brand Ambassador.

"We hope that the Sun Life Tri-Team will inspire Filipinos who are looking to lead healthier lives. We encourage them to join the GoWell community so that we can help them reach their fitness goals," 
-- Mantaring said.

Sun Life has been boosting its health and wellness initiatives with GoWell - which is a community that promotes holistic wellness through a fit and active lifestyle, healthy eating, and living a balanced life.